Assessing Alaskans’ Pathways to Clean Energy Literacy and Careers

ANEEE’s Gap Analysis of Clean Energy Education & Training Opportunities identifies the strengths, opportunities, needs and bottlenecks facing the growing clean energy sector in Alaska.

It focuses on cataloging the curricula, programs, and pathways for:

  • K-12 students to increase their energy literacy and energy career knowledge.
  • Career and technical education (CTE) students to gain energy career training.
  • University students to pursue coursework connected to professions in the energy sector.

The gap analysis is a living document that brings together statewide efforts to increase energy literacy, combat the high cost of energy, promote clean energy careers, and improve overall quality of life in the state. Mapping the who, what, when and where of energy lessons, trainings, certificates and degrees throughout the state enables more conversation, coordination, alignment and efficiency among the diverse group of stakeholders working toward a more energy literate Alaska.

Read the full gap analysis

The Enduring Importance of Energy Literacy

More than 10,000 years ago, human survival in Alaska depended on a community’s ability to:

  • Trace energy flows and think in terms of energy systems.
  • Know how much energy is used, for what purpose, and where the energy comes from.
  • Assess the credibility of information about energy.
  • Communicate about energy and energy use in meaningful ways.
  • Make informed energy use decisions based on an understanding of impacts and consequences.

Understanding and applying the principles of energy literacy have been hallmarks of human progress throughout history. And the nature and role of energy in the world, and our daily lives, is still crucial to basic survival. However, technological developments have absolved the average Alaskan today from both an understanding of and ability to answer basic energy questions and issues.

As human activity is conclusively impacting the Earth’s climate, to the detriment of human populations, the pursuit and understanding of clean energy technologies has never been more urgent. If Alaska is to meet its unique energy needs, utilize its abundant renewable resources and confront the reality of climate change, our populace must strive to be among the most energy literate in the world.

Explore the Findings

Take a closer look at the gap analysis research into the K-12, career and technical, and university sectors in Alaska.